Addren Doss Bio

Addren Doss "For me, plein air painting is about recording my emotional reaction to a specific place at a specific time of day. The studio painting that may come from that experience is an extension of the intense feelings and reactions I had when painting outside." Her goal is to engage viewers emotionally by creating representational light filled paintings with intense colors and strong value patterns. Her oil and pastel paintings are filled with bold brush and knife work, and passages of pure clean color. One viewer recently said, "I feel a part of the landscape, the sun on my face, and the wind in my hair when looking at your paintings." Another said, "I want to reach out and touch your animals." Addren spent the first twenty years of her art career as a graphic designer doing corporate and freelance work. In 1990 she decided to follow her true passion, and began her career as a painter. Over the years she has studied with many noted American artists. Now she feels the need and responsibility to share what she has learned by teaching classes and workshops in oil and pastel. Addren is a signature member of Women Artists of the West, member of excellence of the Southeastern Pastel Society, juried associate member of The Pastel Society of America and Women Painters of the Southeast, founding and charter member of The Piedmont Outdoor Painting Society, member of the Pastel Society of North Carolina . Her work can be found in many private and corporate collections across the country and internationally. She, her husband, and their black lab, Madi, live in Greensboro, North Carolina. |
Pet Commissions - If you live within a two hour drive from Greensboro, NC I would like to photograph your pet myself. If that is not possible I will be glad to work from your photographs. From beginning to end the process takes approximately six weeks. Once we settle on a photo or photos to use I will begin the painting. When it is done and still wet I will send you the image for approval. If there are any changes you would like to have made it is easy to do while the painting is still wet. Once it is dry to the touch I will frame the painting & it's ready!